Somewhere I'm sure, there is a law of quantum biophysics that states (I paraphrase): The male human being shall commit acts that vary in level of stupidity, and such level is, as odd as it seems, directly proportional to the age of said male human being. It all starts with something like sticking a bobby pin into a light socket at the tender age of 3. Then one may graduate to jumping one's bicycle off of ramps to see who can fly the farthest. Later on, these stupid acts often involve motor vehicles.
About a month ago a guy reached a somewhat "rare air" level of stupidity. He tried to drive his pickup across the Red River about 10 miles from my house.

The pickup remains there today as it was walked away from a month ago. I assume as a testament, or an omen maybe, to those that are beckoned to the river with the same intentions. I understand it; really I do. I mean what guy hasn't thought he could take his 2 wheel drive 1992 Ford Ranger across the Red River?
However, sometimes the testing reaches a level of stupidity never before heard of. I'm talking something beyond the realm of semi-intelligent reasoning. Today as I crossed the very same bridge, I saw what has to be the stupid act of all stupid acts. On the other side, not the other end, but the other side of the bridge I saw this:
Yes, that is the river bottom. Yes, that is a pop-up camper and a very nice travel trailer. Yes, that is flowing water on the left of the photo. And, yes that is the very apex level of stupidity.